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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Моят глас е важен

Engl. transl.: My Voice Matters


chilrden rights education children's participation free time

Publication details

Year: 2015
Issued: 2015
Language: Bulgarian
Authors: UNICEF Bulgaria
Type: Report and working paper
Publisher: UNICEF Bulgaria
Place: Bulgaria
Topics: Social mediation; Internet usage, practices and engagement; Digital and socio-cultural environment
Sample: 6397 children between 7 and 18 years, 139 children of them from Roma communities, children with disabilities and children, users of social services, reached through direct consultations
Implications For Policy Makers About: Other
Other PolicyMaker Implication: Deveping new policies that respect and reflect the interests and rights of modern children


In the period March - May 2015, UNICEF Bulgaria in partnership with the State Agency Child Protection Agency (SACP) held a National Consultation with Children on with the updating of the National Strategy for the Child 2008 - 2018. The national consultation was held in three stages: The first stage (March 10 - April 10, 2015) included active media and social My Voice Matters campaign and an online survey of more than 6,000 children about their opinion on topics related to the family environment, education, children participation, leisure and the challenges that affect the lives of in Bulgaria. During the second phase (March 19 - April 7, 2015), UNICEF, in partnership with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), organizes direct consultations on the same topics with children from vulnerable communities: children living in Roma communities, children with disabilities and children, users of social services. Within the third stage (April 22-24, 2015) a National Children's forum "My voice matter” was organized, during which the results of the conducted online survey and direct consultations were presented. A total of 30 children, 26 of whom in the previous two stages, and 4 representatives of children and youth discussed the results and formulated recommendations and proposals for action in six thematic areas: “Children in Bulgaria”, “Leisure and sharing/seeking for help”,“Education and school”,“Family and family environment”, “Right to opinion", "Solidarity (children around the world)".


The survey tries to capture both the availability of time and the things that children like to do in their free time. 89% of the respondents have time to use the Internet, 86% and 85% have time to go out with friends and family. These are the activities with the highest result in the research. Computer games are gradually becoming less attractive after the age of 14, when working with the Internet displaces them. Children from small towns and villages spend more time outside and with friends, while children from urban areas spend more time on the Internet and indoors. With age, the sources of information become more diverse. For older children, the Internet is becoming an important source of information. For example, in the case of problems with lessons, girls seek support from someone other than the teacher - most often a friend or through the Internet. Children from Sofia seek information mainly from their parents and through the Internet. Questions about sex are perceived as more intimate and personal, and children are less likely to share what excites them, even using the Internet is significantly limited. To the question "Has anyone told you that you have the right to express your opinion and have it taken into account?" 9% of children answered that they have learned from the Internet or television. undefined

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