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Orig. title: Prácticas de mediación docente: Oportunidades y riesgos en el comportamiento mediático de jóvenes

Engl. transl.: Teachers’ mediation practice: Opportunities and risks for youth media behavior


Mediation media competence teaching practice opportunities risks secondary education quantitative analysis use of media

Publication details

DOI: 10.3916/c64-2020-05
Issued: 2020
Language: Spanish
Volume: 28
Issue: 64
Start Page: 49
End Page: 59
Authors: Berger P.
Type: Journal article
Journal: Comunicar
Publisher: Grupo Comunicar
Topics: Learning; Social mediation
Sample: The study uses data from a survey conducted with secondary school teachers in 2017 in the state of Thuringia, Germany. Of the state's secondary schools (approximately 468 with 12,100 teachers), 88 schools were randomly selected to participate in the voluntary survey. The principals of the selected schools were asked to distribute the questionnaire to the teachers in their school. In addition to the link to the online survey, the schools also received printed questionnaires with a pre-sealed envelope. Therefore, the teachers were able to answer the questionnaire in the online or paper version. The study sample consists of 315 teachers (12% response rate). The majority are women (72%) and older than 50 years (53%). Half (50%) have more than 25 years of experience in teaching practice. The characteristics of the sample are similar to the teacher population in Thuringia (Thüringer Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport, 2018). (Berger P., 2020, [p.53; translation by Maite Pesci])
Implications For Educators About: School innovation; STEM Education


Research with children and adolescents shows that teachers are one of the agents from whom they receive mediation of their media use. However, little is known about teachers’ mediation practice. This study aims to approximate teachers’ practice with the concept of mediation by, firstly, systematizing a set of curricular media-related competences into the goals of maximizing opportunities and minimizing risks in youngsters’ media behavior. Then, teachers’ professional and personal characteristics are tested for associations with the mediation of risks and opportunities of students’ media use. Data collected in a survey with 315 teachers in Germany were analyzed. Results of regression analysis show that most factors predicted both opportunities and risks in a similar way. Teachers are more engaged in maximizing opportunities and minimizing risks when they use information and communication technologies (ICT) more frequently, consider the respective competences important, engage in collaboration with colleagues, do not teach STEM subjects, and do not work in a Gymnasium. Having received ICT-related training was a significant predictor only of mediation of opportunities, while age was a significant predictor only of mediation of risks. Implications of the findings and how the concept of mediation can contribute to the development of teachers as media educators are discussed


The findings shown in Table 3 indicate that the mediation of teachers in online opportunities is positively and significantly associated with the use of ICT by teachers for teaching, the level of importance that teachers attribute to the competencies they They emphasize opportunities in using the media, having received ICT-related training, and having collaborated with colleagues on ICT issues. Teaching STEM subjects and teaching in a Gymnasium are significantly and negatively associated with mediation opportunities. The important effects attributed to competencies that emphasize risks, the use of private digital media, age and gender are almost nil. (Berger P., 2020, [p.55; translation by Maite Pesci])
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