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Orig. title: Az interneten eltöltött idő és a problémás használat háttértényezőinek vizsgálata fiatalok körében

Engl. transl.: Analyzing the factors behind the time spent on the internet and problematic internet use among youth

Publication details

Year: 2015
DOI: 10.17543/iskkult.2015.11.90
Issued: 2015
Language: Hungarian
Volume: 25
Issue: 11
Start Page: 90
End Page: 102
Authors: Prievara D.; Pikó B.
Type: Journal article
Journal: Iskolakultúra
Publisher: University of Szeged
Sample: 386 girls between the age of 14 and 24
Implications For Policy Makers About: Stepping up awareness and empowerment


In our study we analyzed the time young people spend online as a whole and with certain activities. We especially focused on mapping the factors behind such extensive usage what can be considered problematic. Our data shows that high school students and university students spend at least two hours online, but usually even more. Problematic users are often dissatisfied with their life, they report higher level of stress, are shy, lonely and would like to belong. However, smoking and alcohol consuming is less likely among them. Regarding family circumstances only the education level of the mother correlated with problematic internet use. According to our results in prevention it is important to support adequate social connections and focus on problems and life circumstances from which young people escapes to the internet.


According to the results high school students and university students spend at least two hours online, but usually even more. 39% of the respondents can be characterized as problematic user. Problematic users are often dissatisfied with their life, they report higher level of stress, are shy, lonely and would like to belong. However, smoking and alcohol consuming is less likely among them. Regarding family circumstances only the education level of the mother correlated with problematic internet use and more often come from single parent families. "A klaszterelemzés után megállapítható volt, hogy a válaszadók 39 százalékára jellemző a problémás internethasználat. A korábbi kutatási eredményeknek megfelelően a problémás használat együtt járt az élettel való elégedetlenséggel (Cao és mtsai, 2011), a magasabb stresszel (Velezmoro, Lacefield és Roberti, 2010), szégyenlősséggel (Treuer, Fábián és Füredi, 2001), magányossággal (Esen, Arktas és Tuncer, 2013), alacsonyabb észlelt támogatással (Gunuc és Dogan, 2013) és a valahová tartozás nagyobb igényével." (Prievara Dóra Katalin - Pikó Bettina: Az interneten eltöltött idő és a problémás használat háttértényezőinek vizsgálata fiatalok körében, Iskolakultúra, 25. évfolyam, 2015/11. szám DOI: 10.17543/ISKKULT.2015.11.90, pp: 90-102, p: 108) "According to the cluster analysis 39% of respondents could be characterized with problematic internet use. In line with previous research results problematic internet use is associated with dissatisfaction with ones life (Cao et al, 2011), higher level of stress (Velezmoro, Lacefield and Roberti, 2010), shyness (Treuer, Fábián and Füredi, 2001), loneliness (Gunuc and Dogan, 2013), lower level of perceived support (Gunuc and Dogan, 2013) and the willingness to belong" (Prievara Dóra Katalin - Pikó Bettina: Az interneten eltöltött idő és a problémás használat háttértényezőinek vizsgálata fiatalok körében, Iskolakultúra, Vol: 25. Issue 2015/11., DOI: 10.17543/ISKKULT.2015.11.90, pp: 90-102, p: 108) - translated by the coder

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