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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Undervisningsfællesskaber og læringsnetværk i den digitale tidsalder

Engl. transl.: Teaching communities and learning networks in the digital age


education learning Community network Social Media

Publication details

Year: 2016
Issued: 2016
Language: Danish
Start Page: 1
End Page: 228
Authors: Tække J.; Paulsen M.
Type: Book
Book title: Undervisningsfællesskaber og læringsnetværk i den digitale tidsalder
Publisher: Unge Pædagoger
Place: Copenhagen
Topics: Learning; Internet usage, practices and engagement
Sample: Based on empirical data from the research project 'Socio media Education'


Teaching communities and learning networks in the digital age is currently the most in-depth book in Danish on the consequences of the digital revolution for teaching and learning. The book describes how teaching communities are changing in these years, as a consequence of the new media situation with Facebook, smartphones, the Internet, etc. Where students' learning networks previously consisted primarily of parents and individual friends, students now have the opportunity to create completely different and more far-reaching learning network - which both creates new opportunities, but also new difficulties and challenges. In recent years, there has been particular discussion about whether the new media should be banned in schools. The book shows that such bans can have serious consequences. It can help students make secret cheating networks, which can damage the teacher-student relationship. It does not help students to become digitally educated. At the same time, the book shows that the school world is in the process of moving through three waves. Many schools and teachers are still in the first wave, considering bans. In the second and especially third wave, however, opportunities open up for making a radically new and better form of teaching than previously seen, a teaching without prohibition, but with greater commitment, better education and contact with the outside world. However, in order for schools and teachers to move to waves 2 and 3, great demands are made. One of these requirements is a new and different teacher role. The book also contains a historical analysis of how the school's role has changed historically until today in close connection with media changes, eg how the school changed when radio and television came along. The book contains in-depth analyzes, i.a. based on a major research project in which the two authors have followed a high school class through all three years from 2011-2014. They have worked closely with teachers to develop a new way of using IT. The book also invites a debate on what kind of school is possible and desirable in the future. The authors point out that, in what they call wave 2 and especially wave 3, there are crucial new perspectives that can transform the school into something different and in fact also better than we have seen so far.


Analysis and suggestions on how digital media can be incorporated in a beneficial way in teaching highschool students

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