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Orig. title: Undervisning og digitale medier - Distraktion, koncentration og engagement

Engl. transl.: Teaching and digital media - Distraction, concentration and commitment


Education internet Social Media education

Publication details

Year: 2018
DOI: 10.7146/lom.v10i18.26242
Issued: 2018
Language: Danish
Volume: 11
Issue: 18
Start Page: 1
End Page: 22
Authors: Tække J.; Paulsen M.
Type: Journal article
Journal: Tidsskriftet Læring og Medier (LOM)
Publisher: Det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library
Place: Copenhagen
Topics: Learning; Literacy and skills
Sample: Based on the empirical data and findings from the research project 'Socio Media Education'
Implications For Educators About: Digital citizenship


Based on the research project Socio Media Education, the article presents a model that makes it possible to discuss how teachers and students can react to the new digital media, including what the teaching consequences may be. The model describes three waves that contain distinct reactions and consequences. The focus is on how teachers relate didactically to the new digital / social media. In the first wave, students are tempted by the opportunities for non-teaching activities that the Internet opens up. Whether teachers forbid or ignore these opportunities has negative consequences for teaching. The Internet appears here as a distraction. The second wave occurs when teachers and students use the new media to improve participation opportunities in teaching and to draw attention back to the teaching community. Here, the Internet emerges as an opportunity to create better concentration. The third wave occurs when teachers and students use the Internet to include third parties in the teaching interaction. Here, the Internet emerges as a new way of creating formative engagement. It is argued that the three waves each provide their own didactic perspectives and discussions that should be addressed separately; at the same time, the movement from wave 1 to wave 3 forms a whole, which should also be understood in its entirety.


Discussion on how teachers and students can react to the new digital media, including what the teaching consequences may be. Introduction of a three waves model containing distinct reactions and consequences.

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