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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Leg, legepraksis og nye medier

Engl. transl.: Play, medical practice and new media


play children

Publication details

Year: 2015
Issued: 2015
Language: Danish
Start Page: 9
End Page: 19
Editors: Brandt E.; Pedersen A.
Authors: Johansen S. L.; Karoff H. S.
Type: Book chapter
Book title: Digital pædagogik
Publisher: Systime
Topics: Learning; Literacy and skills
Implications For Educators About: Professional development


Children's play - and childhood as such - has always been surrounded by anxious voices. One particular factor that has often been taken to revenue to negatively impact the game is the media. At the same time, children today from an earlier and earlier age are in close contact with a number of different media technologies, and the game looks different than just a few generations ago. In this article, we want to draw a portrait of the game in 2014 through a number of perspectives. Initially, we address notions of play, which in recent years are actualized in a wide range of contexts. We then introduce the concept of mood practice (the concept is described further in Chapter 2), which offers an understanding of play as a universal human life perspective. Next, we describe how the structural conditions for childhood, and thus for children's play, have changed over the last few generations. This leads us to a discussion of the importance of the media, including toys, for play as it unfolds for children today. The analysis thus moves from a philosophical to a sociological perspective. This means that play is understood both as a basic human form of being and as a practice that can be analyzed in a micro perspective, while at the same time being conditioned by the structural, technological and institutional framework within which it takes place.


A discussion of the importance of the media, including toys, for play as it unfolds for children today.

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