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To be on Facebook or not to be: Slovak young people and their use of social networking sites


social networking sites young people Facebook risks parents

Publication details

Year: 2017
Issued: 2017
Language: English
Volume: 50
Issue: 1-2
Start Page: 63
End Page: 73
Authors: Izrael P.
Type: Journal article
Journal: Informatologia
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement; Risks and harms
Sample: The data were drawn from a survey conducted at primary and secondary schools in one city and one town in the Poprad district. The survey targeted children and teenagers in the 11- to 17-year old age bracket. The schools and relevant classes were se- lected randomly. Altogether 286 children (N = 286) completed questionnaires at schools in the presence of a trained survey administrator. The number of children from primary schools was 161 and there were 125 respondents from secondary schools. However, for analyses only data from 275 partici- pants were used as 11 participants responded that they did not have an SNS profile. The question- naire was administered in January 2015. Female participants were overrepresented (65%) due to the fact that one of the selected schools was a business academy type of school known for a higher per- centage of female students. The average age in the sample was almost 14 years (M = 13.85).
Implications For Parents About: Parental practices / parental mediation; Parenting guidance / support


This paper offers findings based on analysis of data drawn from a 2015 survey of 286 children and adolelescents in Slovakia. This study investigates what the patterns of use od Social Networking Sites (SNSs) are among Slovak children and adolescents. The results demonstrate that SNSs are popular among young people, and that even children younger than 13 have SNS profiles, and mainly acces the Internet at home. They tend to spend more time using SNSs at weekends than on school days. The majority of parents do not apply restrictions in relation to Internet and SNSs use. The study aims to determine what factors predict the use of SNSs as freer place and experience with cyberbullying were take into consideration.


The data show that a majority of young people access the Internet most often at home. Young people tend to have profiles on more than one social networking site. One of the main results is, that most parents do not set any rules in relation to using social networking sites. "Among activities that young people do on social networking sites, chat comes first, followed by sharing content, posting comments and making own posts." (Izrael, 2017, p. 68) Teenagers under 13 find social networking sites attractive despite age restrictions. Girls are more prone to spend more time using social networking sites than boys. Young people consider the social networking sites as a place, where one can relax, express one’s feeling and share worries more easily. Social networking sites are a place where young people are cyberbullied most often. Young people neglect their household chores and homework because of social media activities.

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