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ICT and play in preschool: early childhood teachers’ beliefs and confidence


information and communications technology computer play preschool Greece

Publication details

Year: 2015
DOI: 10.1080/09669760.2015.1078727
Issued: 2015
Language: English
Volume: 23
Issue: 4
Start Page: 409
End Page: 425
Authors: Nikolopoulou K.; Gialamas V.
Type: Journal article
Journal: International Journal of Early Years Education
Topics: Learning
Sample: A 28-item questionnaire was compiled and administered to 190 early childhood teachers in Greece
Implications For Policy Makers About: Other
Other PolicyMaker Implication: in-service teacher training in ICT


This study investigated early childhood teachers’ beliefs about information and communications technology (ICT) and play in preschool, as well as their confidence in integrating ICT in the classroom. A 28-item questionnaire was compiled and administered to 190 early childhood teachers in Greece. Although ICT play (which can provide learning opportunities) has largely replaced traditional childhood play, in Greece, there is inadequate integration of ICT in early childhood education. In this study, two factors were extracted: ‘playing with ICT as an effective mode of learning and developing children's technological competence’ and ‘ICT use as free play’. The fewer the years of teaching experience and the higher the teachers’ computer self-efficacy, the stronger was the view that ICT play is not just free play. Teachers’ beliefs and confidence affect their classroom practices and, consequently, the children's learning. Viewing ICT as a mode of learning that should be embedded in the curriculum is expected to lead to ICT integration in a teacher's daily practices. The implications for in-service teacher training are therefore discussed.


"ICT play is an effective mode of learning and developing children’s technological competence" (Nikolopoulou &Gialamas, 2015 p. 419) "fewer years of teaching experience and higher computer self-efficacy resulted in more positive beliefs"(Nikolopoulou &Gialamas, 2015 p. 421) "the majority of the early childhood teachers expressed confidence in their skills-knowledge for integrating ICT in preschool classes"(Nikolopoulou &Gialamas, 2015 p. 421)

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