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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Kinder-Medien-Studie (KMS) 2019

Engl. transl.: Children-Media-Study (KMS) 2019


media usage consumer behaviour monitoring

Publication details

Year: 2019
Issued: 2019
Language: German
Authors: Blue Ocean Entertainment AG; Egmont Ehapa Media GmbH; Gruner + Jahr GmbH; Panini Verlags GmbH; SPIEGEL-Verlag; ZEIT Verlag
Type: Report and working paper
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement
Sample: n = 2.000 joint interviews with children (6 to 13 years) and one parent n = 502 parent interviews (children aged 4 and 5)
Implications For Stakeholders About: Industry


The third Children-Media-Study explores the media, leisure time and consumer behaviour of 7.31 million children aged 4 to 13 in Germany.


"Children love to read magazines. Two-thirds of the children aged 4 to 13 read at least one out of the 46 children's magazines surveyed in the study. Even though digital activities, such as "watching YouTube" and "surfing the internet", are highly popular with children, printed media remains stable at a high level of use and popularity in 2019." (Editorial Media 2019, n. P.; translated by the coder)

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