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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Kinder-Medien-Studie (KMS) 2018

Engl. transl.: Children-Media-Study (KMS) 2018


media usage consumer behaviour monitoring

Publication details

Year: 2018
Issued: 2018
Language: German
Authors: Blue Ocean Entertainment AG; Egmont Ehapa Media GmbH; Gruner + Jahr GmbH; Panini Verlags GmbH; SPIEGEL-Verlag; ZEIT Verlag
Type: Report and working paper
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement
Sample: n = 2.649 joint interviews with children aged 6 to 13 and one parent n = 652 parent interviews (children aged 4 and 5)
Implications For Stakeholders About: Industry


The representative study on the media and lifeworld of children in Germany between the ages of 4 and 13 is being published for the second time. It is the only study of its kind in Germany. The study provides insights into the areas of media, leisure, communication and consumption of children.


"One of the central findings of the Children-Media-Study is that there is no "either-or" but rather a "both-and" in regards to the media usage of children. Children in Germany are growing into the duality of analogue and digital media and leisure activities and are smart enough to manage both worlds excellently. Leisure activities such as "being with friends" (89%) or "playing outdoors" (81%) are very important across all age groups. At the same time, the digital gaming experience on a tablet, smartphone or computer (several times a week) increases in relevance with age (71% of 13-year-olds compared to seven per cent of four-year-olds). Children use different communication channels: from phone calls to text messages to classic letters. Soft toy, puzzle, bicycle or smartphone - children have many wishes. It is especially important for four- to 13-year-olds to be digitally equipped: a mobile phone or smartphone is the desired object No. 1. Critically differentiated enthusiasm - children have a clear image of the internet: "The coolest medium there is", but also "bad for people". " (Schau hin! 2018, n. P. [URL:] translated by the coder) "Printed trust: 75% of all German children between the ages of four and 13 read books or magazines at least several times a week. They decide what they want to read. Online, parents control downloads and activities." (KinderMedienStudie 2018, 71; translated by the coder)
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