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Orig. title: Edukacja w czasach pandemii wirusa COVID-19. Z dystansem o tym, co robimy obecnie jako nauczyciele

Engl. transl.: Education in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. With a distance about what we are doing today as teachers


covid-19 education e-learning relations

Publication details

Year: 2020
Issued: 2020
Language: Polish
Editors: Jacek Pyżalski
Authors: Pyżalski J.; Polaszek W.; Bilicki T.; Kaczmarzyk M.; Plebańska M.; Koludo A.; Tomczyk Ł.; Witkowski J.; Zaród M.; Plichta P.; Ścibór J.; Walter N.
Type: Book
Book title: Edukacja w czasach pandemii wirusa COVID-19 Z dystansem o tym, co robimy obecnie jako nauczyciele
Publisher: EduAkcja
Place: Warszawa
Topics: Learning; Internet usage, practices and engagement; Wellbeing; Digital and socio-cultural environment
Implications For Parents About: Parental practices / parental mediation; Parenting guidance / support
Implications For Educators About: Professional development; School networking; Digital citizenship
Implications For Policy Makers About: Creating a safe environment for children online
Implications For Stakeholders About: Industry; Healthcare


The study concerns the situation of education in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced everyone to operate in a different model - from traditional to mediated. Distance learning has become a necessity. The book is about education in which everything changed in a very short time, putting new challenges for school managers, teachers, and above all students and their families. It consists of chapters diagnosing the situation and those that focus on proposed pedagogical impacts. However, this is not a strict division. The publication opens with a text by Wiesław Poleszak and Jacek Pyżalski with the characteristics of the psychological situation of children and adolescents at the present time and how we should take this aspect into account when working with young people. This topic, in the context of the acute crisis experienced and will be experienced by young people, is continued by Tomasz Bilicki in the next text. The text of Marek Kaczmarzyk, who analyzes the current activities of remote education from the perspective of brain neurobiology, has a diagnostic nature, associated with certain implementation threads. The next text by Jacek Pyżalski opens a more methodical part. It outlines the philosophy of action and educational priorities, making it clear that distance learning didactics is only one of the areas that we should now address. Later, the reader will find a text written by Jacek Pyżalski together with Wiesław Poleszak, focusing on important relations between the teacher and students and their families, as well as peer relations. The chapters of Marlena Plebańska, Anna Koludo, Natalia Walter, Jacek Ścibor and Danuta Sterna concern the didactics of distance learning. Each of these authors analyzes its important aspects in their own original way, inspiring reflection and highlighting elements important for practice. The approaches differ somewhat, but there are common elements in them on the essentials. Piotr Plichta's text focuses on the significant threat to current educational activities posed by digital inequalities caused by various factors. As a result, not everyone can benefit from distance education to the same extent. Finally, Marcin Zaród suggests how, in this difficult situation, a teacher can take care of himself, which in turn is a necessary condition for helping others. In turn, Jędrzej Witkowski proposes to look at the organizational aspects of distance learning from a distance, pointing to both the pitfalls and the success factors. He also develops the previously discussed topic of the relationship between the teacher and the headmaster. The text by Łukasz Tomczyk closing the publication concerns the experiences of countries that for various reasons have been conducting remote education for a long time, and how we can now benefit from their experiences.


The publication opens with a text by Wiesław Poleszak and Jacek Pyżalski with the characteristics of the psychological situation of children and adolescents at the present time and how we should take this aspect into account when working with young people. This topic, in the context of the acute crisis experienced and will be experienced by young people, is continued by Tomasz Bilicki in the next text. The text of Marek Kaczmarzyk, who analyzes the current activities of remote education from the perspective of brain neurobiology, has a diagnostic nature, associated with certain implementation threads. The next text by Jacek Pyżalski opens a more methodical part. It outlines the philosophy of action and educational priorities, making it clear that distance learning didactics is only one of the areas that we should now address. Later, the reader will find a text written by Jacek Pyżalski together with Wiesław Poleszak, focusing on important relations between the teacher and students and their families, as well as peer relations. The chapters of Marlena Plebańska, Anna Koludo, Natalia Walter, Jacek Ścibor and Danuta Sterna concern the didactics of distance learning. Each of these authors analyzes its important aspects in their own original way, inspiring reflection and highlighting elements important for practice. The approaches differ somewhat, but there are common elements in them on the essentials. Piotr Plichta's text focuses on the significant threat to current educational activities posed by digital inequalities caused by various factors. As a result, not everyone can benefit from distance education to the same extent. Finally, Marcin Zaród suggests how, in this difficult situation, a teacher can take care of himself, which in turn is a necessary condition for helping others. In turn, Jędrzej Witkowski proposes to look at the organizational aspects of distance learning from a distance, pointing to both the pitfalls and the success factors. He also develops the previously discussed topic of the relationship between the teacher and the headmaster. The text by Łukasz Tomczyk closing the publication concerns the experiences of countries that for various reasons have been conducting remote education for a long time, and how we can now benefit from their experiences.
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