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Orig. title: NASTOLATKI 3.0 Raport z ogólnopolskiego badania uczniów

Engl. transl.: TEENAGERS 3.0 Report from nationwide student research


teenager media ICT social media cyber security copyright

Publication details

Year: 2019
Issued: 2019
Language: Polish
Authors: Bochenek M.; Lange R.
Type: Report and working paper
Publisher: NASK Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Place: Warszawa
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement; Literacy and skills; Wellbeing; Risks and harms; Online safety and policy regulation; Access, inequalities and vulnerabilities; Digital and socio-cultural environment; Researching children online: methodology and ethics
Sample: 1,173 students from 55 schools participated in the survey from all over Poland: from primary schools - 531, middle schools - 25, high schools - 456, technical schools - 161.
Implications For Educators About: Digital citizenship; STEM Education; School innovation
Implications For Policy Makers About: High-quality content online for children and young people; Stepping up awareness and empowerment; Creating a safe environment for children online; Fighting against child sexual abuse and child exploitation
Implications For Stakeholders About: Researchers; Industry; Healthcare


The Internet revolutionized human communication and quickly became the most important medium of the 21st century. Unlike other technological milestones, the internet did only a dozen or so years to become one of the key foundations of modern civilization. Through it, we obtain information, participate in culture and entertainment, express and create our identity, establish relationships, and deal with matters of everyday life and we work. Modern society is a network society, an information society, and a cybersociety. The web changes not only the way of communicating and access to information. Before our eyes, the Internet is making profound changes in social awareness, relations and the economy. Many of these changes allow for the creative development of new ideas, the implementation of visionary projects. The positive role of the Internet cannot be overestimated. Of course, the internet also poses many threats. Children and adolescents are the most vulnerable to them. It is this group that often uses its resources and tools in an uncontrolled, thoughtless and accidental manner. The generation of "network children" or "digital natives" uses the Internet to obtain resources that are dangerous from the point of view of mental and emotional development. Easy access to pornography, violent content, the opportunity to establish dangerous relationships, the lack of awareness of breaking the law or the risk of addiction - these are just some of the enormous dangers of universal networking. Such a diagnosis of today's reality made that since 2014 NASK has been conducting nationwide research on practices, attitudes and opinions towards the Internet among teenagers. We conducted the previous research in 2016, and the last edition, the report of which we are pleased to present, took place in 2018 and 2019. I encourage everyone to read carefully what the digital order will look like in the future - when today's students will decide about its shape. (Bohenek M., Lange R. (2019). NASTOLATKI 3.0 Raport z ogólnopolskiego badania uczniów. Warszawa: NASK Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, p. 5); (translated by the coder).


- Teenagers have been using the web on their own since seven years old. The younger the generation, the more this contact occurs earlier. - Internet for teens is mostly space entertainment, access to culture (music, movies, etc.) and the center of social life. It is also the source of many benefits - from broadening the knowledge in a specific field, to the possibility of creating your image or your search for identity. - Most of the respondents indicated that in their schools there are restrictions on the use of smartphones, students declare that they use them most often only during breaks. - Students are aware of the risks involved can meet them on the internet. Direct the experience of Internet violence did not apply only half of the respondents. Teenagers were the victims most often challenges, ridicule and humiliation. - More than a half, i.e. 56% of the respondents admitted that she should use her cell phone less, and 42% that this time is generally longer than planned. - The statements of nearly one third of the respondents indicate at the risk of a strong addiction to smartphones, compared to the increasing use time from the Internet, it can predict a deepening problem. (Bohenek M., Lange R. (2019). NASTOLATKI 3.0 Raport z ogólnopolskiego badania uczniów. Warszawa: NASK Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, p. 6).
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