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Orig. title: ילדים יהודים וערבים בישראל בימי הקורונה- אתגרים, ידע ומדיה

Engl. transl.: Jewish and Arab Children in Israel in Times of COVID-19—Challenges, Knowledge, and Media


MEDIA children coronaviruse

Publication details

Year: 2020
Issued: 2020
Language: Hebrew
Start Page: 97
End Page: 118
Authors: Gozansky y. ; Abu-Kishk H.
Type: Journal article
Journal: Kesher
Topics: Access, inequalities and vulnerabilities
Sample: 103 Israeli children. age: 9-13. Gender: 51 girls, 50 boys, 3 did not answer.
Implications For Policy Makers About: Stepping up awareness and empowerment


The crisis of the coronaviruse came as a complete surprise to the citizens of Israel. Despite reports of the virus hitting China in February 2020, there was a feeling in Israel that the virus would be stopped at Ben-Gurion Airport. From March, however, Israel entered a tightening lockdown. The lockdown and social isolation affected all citizens.The purpose of the study presented here was to examine the impact of these measures on the lives of boys and girls, with an emphasis on their relationship with the media and the press in particular. The research questions focused on three topics: what were the feelings of boys and girls, Jews and Arabs? What is the knowledge they have gained about the viruse and its sources? How used in the press to deal with the challenges of the period? This article presents the Israeli part of international research coducted among 42 countries worlwide. The online survey included 19 questions and was answered by 103 children. the The findings were analyzed in a statistical and thematic analysisand were compared to the other countries. The article will first present the feelings, insights and ways in which children cope with the changes in their lives. We will then discuss their knowledge of the epidemic and how to defend against it, including the reliability of the information and its sources. Finally, we will delve into the issue of children's use of communication and understanding. In each of the issues, we will compare the answers of children who answered in Arabic and Hebrew


Gozansky and Abu-Kishk (2020) found that some of the children in Israel reported personal difficulty, but were less than the world average. Children have developed a variety of stress-relieving methods, including food, sociability, and increased media use. Through the media, they gathered information, met friends and allayed boredom. Although they did not manage their media time, it served as a central tool for them to overcome fears. Few gender differences were found. Mainly in reporting concerns, which were more typical for girls.Differences were found between children in mother tongue surgery. The Arabic-speaking children had more worries, and they went out less for outdoor sports activities but used more media as a hand to listen to music, overcome loneliness, find study material and organize their day. They believed more in rumours and false information about the corona. Differences were found between Arabs and Jews children. The Arab children had more worries, and they went out less for outdoor sports activities but used more media in order to listen to music, overcome loneliness, find study material and organize their day. They believed more in rumours and false information about the corona.

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