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Orig. title: Jak technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne mogą wspierać rozwój dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym? Studium teoretyczne

Engl. transl.: How can ICT support the development of a preschool child? Theoretical study


ICT child education child development media in education

Publication details

Year: 2017
Issued: 2017
Language: Polish
Start Page: 115
End Page: 157
Editors: Pyżalski J.
Authors: Klichowski M.; Pyżalski J.; Kuszak K.; Klichowska A.
Type: Book chapter
Book title: Małe dzieci w świecie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych - pomiędzy utopijnymi szansami a przesadzonymi zagrożeniami
Publisher: Wydawnictwo "Eter"
Place: Łódź
Topics: Learning; Internet usage, practices and engagement; Literacy and skills; Online safety and policy regulation
Implications For Parents About: Parenting guidance / support ; Parental practices / parental mediation
Implications For Educators About: Digital citizenship; STEM Education; School innovation
Implications For Policy Makers About: Creating a safe environment for children online; High-quality content online for children and young people
Implications For Stakeholders About: Researchers; Industry; Healthcare


The aim of the text is to describe the opportunities arising from the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) by children aged 3-6 and to present directives for the use of ICT by children at this age (when we talk about ICT, we mainly mean such popular forms as games, applications , programs, websites, portals, etc., therefore - which should be strongly emphasized - the opportunities and directives presented in the text are not always appropriate to all types of ICT). In this text, we will try to answer the question: How can ICT support the development of a child aged 3-6, or more specifically: What opportunities do ICT give to children aged 3-6 and how to act to take advantage of these opportunities. (translated by the coder)


The authors of this text tried to describe the opportunities of using ICT by children aged 3-6 and also provide guidelines for ICT tools designers for this age group. The authors have focused only on the most common tools: games, applications, programs, websites, portals, etc., i.e. based on graphical interfaces and operated from computers, tablets or smartphones. The conclusions are not universal. They refer only to a certain type of ICT. Moreover, the authors did not have the ambition to create a full catalog of opportunities, as well as (more importantly!) directives, which should be fully incorporated into the practice of designing technological tools. The opportunities which were presented are just a constellation of discourses ICT. The directives are only the beginning of standards for design technology instruments designed for preschool children. Nevertheless, the theses which were are important in the debate on the phenomenon of dynamic, influencing ICT development on the process of technicizatdion (still completely on the pedagogical level inertly) childhood. (based on: Klichowski, M., Pyżalski, J., Kuszak, K., Klichowska, A. (2017). Jak technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne mogą wspierać rozwój dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym? Studium teoretyczne. W: J. Pyżalski (red.), Małe dzieci w świecie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych - pomiędzy utopijnymi szansami a przesadzonymi zagrożeniami. Łódz: Wydawnictwo „Eter”, p. 149). (translated by the coder).
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