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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Adolescenti e rischi di Internet: la competenza digitale non basta

Engl. transl.: Teens and Internet risks: digital skills are not enough


digital skills online risks adolescents

Publication details

Year: 2016
Issued: 2016
Language: Italian
Authors: Lazzari M.
Type: Conference proceeding
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement; Literacy and skills; Risks and harms
Sample: 1370 adolescents
Implications For Educators About: Professional development; School innovation


From a questionnaire administered to about 2000 secondary school children on the ways, times and places of telematic communication, it emerges that those who feel more competent as a user of the web are more inclined to carry out activities that expose them to risk, and that it is the children who have attended training activities on the Internet to be those who are more likely to indulge in risky behavior. risk. Starting from this evidence, we ask ourselves what kind of training offers and should offer the school on the use of Internet and it is stressed that the care of digital competence digital competence must be accompanied by that of civic and social skills.


"Technical knowledge protects against risk to the extent that those who possess it know the context in which they move and apply it. The ability to use it alone is not enough to manage the social and relational processes of communicative events on the Net, but it must be intertwined with ethical and social skills [...]. There is a discrepancy between real knowledge and perception of one's own competence, with a relative sense of self-efficacy. [...] it is the perceived competence, even more than the real one, that leads to the exposure to risks; and, vice versa, the pseudo-incompetent are protected from risks because of the lack of confidence in their own abilities." (Lazzari, 2016, Translated).

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