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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Problematické používanie internetu vo vzťahu k zapamätanému rodičovskému správaniu u adolescentov

Engl. transl.: Problematic use of the internet in relation to remembered parental behavior of adolescents


Internet addiction memorized parental behavior styles of education

Publication details

Year: 2020
Issued: 2020
Language: Slovak
Editors: Šavrnochová M.; Vrťová J.
Authors: Kohútová K.
Type: Conference proceeding
Book title: Behaviorálne závislosti v kontexte sociálneho fungovania
Publisher: Belianum
Place: Banská Bystrica
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement; Risks and harms
Sample: The sample consisted of teenagers attending high school in the town of Ružomberok. The basic sample consisted of 1,532 respondents, from which having used the calculator "Sample size calculator2 it was generated the required number respondents with the aim of increasing representativeness of the sample. The final sample consisted of a total of 850 high school students at 8 schools. As for sex distribution, the sample consisted of 509 (59.9%) girls and 341 (40.1%) boys. Average age of the research group was 17.04 years, The respondents were in age from 15 to 21 years,. The most represented age group were 16 to 18 year-old respondents (total 87.7%)


Introduction Problematic use of the Internet, or Internet addiction is one of the forms of risky behavior in adolescence. Theoretical analyzes show that parental education styles are an important factor that can determine risky behavior. The aim of this study is to verify the influence of the style of parental education on the level of problematic use of the Internet. Methods The research sample consisted of 850 adolescents (60% of girls, average age 17) who completed research tools aimed at identifying memorized parental behavior (EMBU) and problematic internet use (PIUQ). Data were evaluated through descriptive statistics, classification analysis, and cluster analysis. Main findings It was found that there are statistically significant relationships between parental styles and problematic internet use. Significant predictors of problematic use of the Internet are, in particular, rejection by the mother and hyperprotectiveness by both parents. Approximately 39% of adolescents use the Internet to a problematic extent, and these respondents experience a higher rate of rejection and hyperprotectiveness and lower emotional warmth on the part of their parents. Applications, results and conclusions. Parental education styles are related to the problematic use of the Internet, and this knowledge can be useful for professionals who help parents with children with signs of risky behavior.


It was found that there are statistically significant relationships between parental styles and problematic internet use. "Significant predictors of problematic use of the Internet are, in particular, rejection by the mother and hyperprotectiveness by both parents." (Kohútová, 2020) Approximately 39% of adolescents use the Internet to a problematic extent, and these respondents experience a higher rate of rejection and hyperprotectiveness and lower emotional warmth on the part of their parents.

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