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Orig. title: Медийното потребление и „инфлуенсърите“ на децата и младите хора в България

Engl. transl.: translation) Media consumption and the "influencers" of children and young people in Bulgaria


children young people media consumption national survey digital citizenship information channels

Publication details

Year: 2020
Issued: 2020
Language: Bulgarian
Authors: ЕСТАТ ООД
Type: Other
Publisher: UNICEF Bulgaria
Place: Bulgaria
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement; Access, inequalities and vulnerabilities; Digital and socio-cultural environment
Sample: 1773 persons aged 10 to 24 years
Implications For Educators About: Digital citizenship
Implications For Policy Makers About: High-quality content online for children and young people; Creating a safe environment for children online; Stepping up awareness and empowerment
Implications For Stakeholders About: Researchers; Industry


A nationally representative multidimensional survey, conducted on behalf of the UN Children's Fund - UNICEF Bulgaria, in 2020 - during the longest and most severe social isolation, which necessitated interruption of the in-person learning process, transition to distance learning and significant reduction of all social activities of children and young people. The main objectives of the study are to measure the frequency of media consumption among children and young people in Bulgaria, as well as to find out the popularity of traditional information channels, preferred digital devices, communication applications, video platforms and social networks, which are the most recognizable celebrities, influencers and role models in the digital world. The behavior and habits of children and young people and the perspectives on social causes and the rights of children and young people in terms of the realization of their digital citizenship are analyzed through quantitative data and qualitative data extracted in six focus groups.


Among children and young people there is a high level of digital inclusion and connectivity - nine out of ten respondents have a personal smartphone to access the Internet. However, many children and young people do not have their own device suitable for the optimal satisfaction of their educational needs and goals (such as a laptop, tablet or desktop computer). Three quarters of children and young people in Bulgaria surf social networks and communicate through online applications on a daily basis. Against the background of constant digital connectivity, most children and young people consider what is happening in the real world to be more important, claiming strong preferences for live communication and social interaction. But while many young people think critically about screen time, younger survey participants find it difficult to judge exactly how much time they spend in contact with digital technology. From the traditional information channels of still high popularity among children and young people, only television enjoys, which is watched daily by almost seventy percent. A finding of quantitative research is that TV series and movies, as well as entertaining music and reality formats, generate drastically more attention than news, popular science and educational content. Both digital media and traditional information channels are less often used by children and young people from vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Behind this trend can be hidden not only restrictions and vulnerabilities in access to digital devices and information resources, but also the perception of the Internet as a place where the identity of the different, as well as their interests and concerns are noticeably absent. Characteristic to some extent for children and young people is the "media multitasking" - they do not watch a program in a certain period of time, but consume television content flexibly, complementary to the use of the phone or computer. Watching television is often seen as a "background", a secondary activity

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