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Orig. title: Yeni Medyada Çocuk Haberciliği: “Milliyet Çocuk”,“Hürriyet Çocuk” ve “Cicicee Çocuk Deyince” Sayfalarının İncelenmesi

Engl. transl.: Children Journalism in New Media: An Analysis on the WebPages of “Milliyet Çocuk”, “Hürriyet Çocuk” and “Cicicee Çocuk Deyince”


new media child friendly media children’s websites children’s journalism

Publication details

Year: 2016
DOI: 10.16878/gsuilet.283070
Issued: 2016
Language: Turkish
Issue: 25
Start Page: 155
End Page: 180
Authors: Akdağ Ç.T.
Type: Journal article
Journal: Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi
Publisher: Galatasaray Universitesi Iletisim
Topics: Content-related issues


The lack of representation or unfavorable representation of children among other disadvantaged groups in mainstream media has revealed a quest for child-friendly media outside traditional media. Given the results of the research, apart from the internet pages of the newspapers Hürriyet and Milliyet entitled “Child”, no other national / widespread press organization was found with such a category. In this respect, these two mentioned pages (“Hü”, “Milliyet. com. tr/ PembeNar /aile/cocuk”) found their places in our corpus. As for other sites focusing on children, we found that, with the exception of the sites of official institutions, there are eight sites of information about children. Among these sites, “Cicicee Çocuk Deyince” was chosen as an example of comparison with traditional media. The research was limited by the period from January 2016 to June 2016, within the limits of the research. (Akdağ, 2016, p.155)


When the news content about children and prepared for children is examined comparatively, it is seen that there are more news in the categories of "child health", "school and education", "consumption and children" on websites representing the national media. On the other hand, it has been determined that there are different news categories in the example of the “Cicicee Child Deyince” site among the children's sites that emerged as an alternative medium. On the "Cicicee Child Deyince" news site, the "activity" and "culture-art" news categories for children took the first two places. It was observed that the "child health" news category, which took the first place on the websites of the other two mainstream media, was not included in the "" news website with the same frequency. This situation shows that the habit of making news about children is only health news can be broken. When the sites discussed within the scope of the study are examined, it is concluded that the new media can only be an alternative channel for children's journalism if it can change the news production and presentation practices in the mainstream media. In order for the new media to be a child-friendly media, it should be a medium where children are included in the news process, and different news content is produced for children not only on certain topics but also on subjects where they can improve themselves and learn something. “Cicicee Child Deyince” site exhibits an example of alternative child journalism in the new media, as it has these features among the sites examined. (Akdağ, 2016, pp.175-177), (translated by the coder)

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