Orig. title: Die Allerjüngsten (0-6) und digitale Medien
Engl. transl.: The youngest (0-6) and digital media
media education
Publication details
Year: | 2020 |
Issued: | 2020 |
Language: | German |
Editors: | |
Authors: | saferinternet.at |
Type: | Report and working paper |
Book title: | Die Allerjüngsten (0-6) und digitale Medien |
Publisher: | saferinternet.at |
Topics: | Internet usage, practices and engagement; Literacy and skills; Content-related issues; Wellbeing; Risks and harms |
Sample: | 400 parents of young children (0-6) |
Implications For Parents About: | Parental practices / parental mediation; Parental digital literacy ; Parenting guidance / support |
Implications For Educators About: | Digital citizenship |
Implications For Policy Makers About: | Stepping up awareness and empowerment |
Implications For Stakeholders About: | Other |
Other Stakeholder Implication: | Friends and other adults |
"Almost three-quarters of the surveyed parents of 0- to 6-year-olds state that their child uses internet-connected devices at least occasionally - and this already from an average age of 12 months. Especially at this age, parents are strongly challenged in media education, but cannot orient themselves on experiences from their own childhood." (saferinternet.at, 2020, online; translated by the coder)
"Almost three-quarters of the surveyed parents of 0- to 6-year-olds state that their child uses internet-connected devices at least occasionally - and this already from an average age of 12 months. Especially at this age, parents are strongly challenged in media education, but cannot orient themselves on experiences from their own childhood. In households with children under 6 years of age, there are on average 4 to 5 internet-enabled devices today. Already 72 % of the children between 0 and 6 years and 81 % of the 3- to 6-year-olds use them at least occasionally themselves. Compared to 2013 (41 %), this means a doubling in the age group of 3 to 6 year olds. On average, children in the aforementioned group come into contact with digital media for the first time at the age of one year. 72 percent of parents state that their child was even younger when it first used an internet-capable device. The main digital activities are watching videos (73 %), looking at photos (61 %), listening to music (61 %) and playing games (51 %). Half of the children use their parents' device for this, 28 % a family device. 22 % of children under 6 already have their own device at their disposal. However, around three-quarters of parents overall are aware that they have a major role model effect when it comes to using internet-enabled devices. 9 out of 10 parents also take precautions before the child is allowed to use an internet-enabled device. This includes, for example, time restrictions (44%), limiting the use of certain apps/sites (42%) and parental control apps or programmes (39%). 57 % say they are always present when their child uses the device." (saferinternet.at, 2020, online; translated by the coder)