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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Nueva pornografía y cambios en las relaciones interpersonales

Engl. transl.: New pornography and changes in interpersonal relationships


new pornography interpersonal relationships sexuality risky behaviours youth

Publication details

Year: 2019
Issued: 2019
Language: Spanish
Start Page: 1
End Page: 90
Authors: Ballester Brage Ll.; Orte C.
Type: Book
Book title: Nueva pornografía y cambios en las relaciones interpersonales
Publisher: Octaedro Editorial
Place: Barcelona
Topics: Risks and harms; Online safety and policy regulation; Wellbeing; Access, inequalities and vulnerabilities
Sample: It has focused on the young population of Spain: between 16 and 29 years of age. In order to carry out the empirical sample, given the impossibility of having representative samples in each of the Autonomous Communities, a selection of the most representative communities was made. Initially, the following were selected: Andalusia, Aragon, Balearic Islands, Castilla y León, Castilla la Mancha, Catalonia, Valencia, Galicia, Madrid and the Basque Country. Representative samples have been confirmed for seven communities, as it was impossible to complete them in Madrid, the Basque Country and Valencia. The Communities included represent 25,526,018 persons, i.e. 54.81% of the population of Spain. The sample includes communities from all areas and characteristics of Spain (Mediterranean, north, centre, south, east and west), and includes large urban areas (Barcelona, Zaragoza, Vigo, Palma, Valladolid, Seville, Malaga and others), as well as medium-sized towns and smaller municipalities.
Implications For Parents About: Parental practices / parental mediation; Parental digital literacy ; Parenting guidance / support ; Other
Other Parent Implication: The need of parental mediation strategies based on an open dialogue regarding online sexual content; parental awarareness regarding new pornography models as a risk for children
Implications For Educators About: Digital citizenship; Other
Implications For Policy Makers About: High-quality content online for children and young people; Stepping up awareness and empowerment; Creating a safe environment for children online; Fighting against child sexual abuse and child exploitation
Implications For Stakeholders About: Industry


INTRODUCTION. The new pornography, distributed via the Internet, has an increasingly relevant impact on the interpersonal relationships of adolescents and young people. Its presence has become normalised for the majority of the Western population, especially for the male population, increasing both supply and demand. Its presence has been steadily increasing, generating significant effects on regular consumers. OBJECTIVES: To determine the dimensions and characteristics of the impact of the new pornography on adolescents and young people in Spain (a selection of autonomous communities), verifying the similarities and differences of the pattern observed in Spain and the reality of the seven communities studied (initially, 9 communities were involved, but significant and balanced samples were not achieved in Madrid and the Basque Country). METHOD. Survey, with a probabilistic sample representative of the population (N = 2,457), carried out throughout 2018 in seven communities in Spain, based on the Jóvenes e Inclusión Social network. RESULTS. The age of onset of pornography consumption is very low (8 years). Familiarity with screens and internet searches has facilitated this situation. Men are the main consumers of pornography. The impact of pornography is much greater for men than for women, both in terms of frequency of use, the effects sought (masturbation) and the consequences on interpersonal relationships. Pornography consumption has a significant impact on the image of men and women, as well as increasing vulnerability to non-normative or risky practices (prostitution).


The age of onset of pornography consumption is very low (8 years). Familiarity with screens and internet searches has facilitated this situation. Men are the main consumers of pornography. The impact of pornography is much greater for men than for women, both in terms of frequency of use, the effects sought (masturbation) and the consequences on interpersonal relationships. Pornography consumption has a significant impact on the image of men and women, as well as increasing vulnerability to non-normative or risky practices (prostitution).

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