Democratic digital literacies: three obstacles in search of a solution
Study details
Year: | Not reported |
Scope: | Other |
Methodology: | Other |
Informed Consent: | Consent not mentioned |
Ethics: | Ethical considerations not mentioned |
Data Set Availability: | Not mentioned |
"The main argument, to be substantiated in the following, is this: indicators of access and uptake of ict and media technologies are a poor basis of action if the aim is to further children’s lasting empowerment in a global environment in which complex digital media are formative features. We need to look more closely into matters of use, to the diverse ways in which children shape, share and and store mediated forms of communication, if we are to facilitate children’s economic, social and cultural participation" (Drotner, K. 2010,
Democratic digital literacies: three obstacles in search of a solution, p. 25)