Journalists as Media Educators: Journalistic Media Education as Inclusive Boundary Work
Study details
Year: | Not reported |
Scope: | Other |
Countries: | Finland |
Methodology: | Other |
Informed Consent: | No consent needed |
URL: | |
Data Set Availability: | Not mentioned |
"First, what is JME—how can it be identified in journalistic organisations as an area of practice? Second, in particular, in what forms is JME carried out by journalistic actors themselves? Third, how do these forms work as an inclusive practice, enabling those receiving media education a degree of access to and membership of journalism-related communities?... The characteristics of JME are further studied with a focus on the activities of journalistic media educators in a single country, Finland. Finland makes a quality case as it has a well-established tradition of media education, being internationally 'a paragon of media education' (Forsman 2020, 65) as it is one of the few countries in the world with a governmentally regulated centralised media and information literacy strategy, formalised by public authorities." (Author, 3)