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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Svenskarna och internet 2020: En årlig studie av svenska folkets internetvanor.

Engl. transl.: The Swedes and the Internet 2020: An Annual Survey of the Internet Habits of Swedish People

Study details

Year: 2020
Scope: National
Countries: Sweden
Methodology: Empirical research – Quantitative
Methods of data collection: Survey; Interview
Researched Groups: Individuals (whole population, children included); Other
Other Researched Group: Individuals aged 2 and older
Children Ages: Other
Other Childrens Age Group: 2-18 years old
Consents: Other
Informed Consent: Consent obtained


The Swedes and the Internet is an annual survey of the internet habits of Swedish people, how the use of the internet is developing and the digitalisation of society. The Swedes and the Internet is a study conducted by The Swedish Internet Foundation. With this survey, we want to contribute facts and insights on how the use of the internet in Sweden is developing. We want to provide the conditions for the digitalisation of Swedish society and the business community to take place on an informed basis. The Swedes and the Internet is the Swedish part of the World Internet Project, an international research project involving some thirty countries. Since 2010, The Swedish Internet Foundation has been the head of the Swedish study. The report is based on interviews from a random sample of the population in Sweden. (
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