Orig. title: Digitale Medien: Beratungs-, Handlungs- und Regulierungsbedarf aus Elternperspektive
Engl. transl.: Digital Media: Needs regarding guidance, action and regulation from the parent's perspective
Study details
Year: | 2014 |
Scope: | National |
Countries: | Germany |
Methodology: | Empirical research – Quantitative |
Methods of data collection: | Survey |
Researched Groups: | Parents |
Children Ages: | Preschool (0-5 Years old); Kids (6-10 Years old); Pre-adolescents (11-13 Years old); Adolescents (14-18 Years old) |
Funder: | Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) |
Funder Types: | National Government / Ministry |
Informed Consent: | Consent not mentioned |
Ethics: | Ethical considerations not mentioned |
URL: | https://www.dji.de/ueber-uns/projekte/projekte/digitale-medien-beratungs-handlungs-und-regulierungsbedarf-aus-elternperspektive.html |
Data Set Availability: | Not mentioned |
"The research project aimed to elicit the need for media education counselling from the parent's perspective. In particular, it is to be determined which questions parents ask themselves regarding the media use of their children, where they look for answers to these questions and from which institutions and actors - kindergarten, school, child and youth welfare, politics - parents expect what kind of information and support. The focus is on the need for counselling on media education and the protection of children when dealing with internet-connected media or multifunctional end devices. Intra-family differences in the assessment of the media education tasks of mothers and fathers are to be examined as well as a potentially reduced problem awareness of parents towards the media activities of their children, which can lead to an unconcerned or indifferent media education attitude. Ultimately, the study is intended to provide indications as to which measures and in which ways interested, but above all also uninterested parents can be reached with media education information." (DJI 2015; URL: https://www.dji.de/ueber-uns/projekte/projekte/digitale-medien-beratungs-handlungs-und-regulierungsbedarf-aus-elternperspektive.html)
[translated by the coder]