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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Kinder. Bilder. Rechte.

Engl. transl.: Children. Images. Rights.

Study details

Year: 2017
Scope: National
Countries: Germany
Methodology: Empirical research – Qualitative
Methods of data collection: Interview
Researched Groups: Children; Parents
Children Ages: Kids (6-10 Years old); Pre-adolescents (11-13 Years old); Adolescents (14-18 Years old)
Funder: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend
Funder Types: National Government / Ministry
Informed Consent: Consent not mentioned
Ethics: Ethical considerations not mentioned
Data Set Availability: Not mentioned


"The aim of the study was, on the one hand, and above all, to examine the children's perspective on digital media practices in general but also within their families. A focus was placed on the question of what children think about privacy, the right to one's own image and how they would like to be involved when it comes to these topics. On the other hand, it was also important to gather the parents' perspective. To find out how parents deal with their children's data under the conditions of digitalisation, which considerations and feelings guide their actions, to what extent they experience themselves competent and how they deal with the tension between freedom/control or autonomy/protection." (cf. Kutscher and Bouillon 2018, 18) The following research questions guided the study: - How is digital media handled in the family as a whole, i.e. what media practice context is present in the families surveyed? - What ideas do children and parents have about the distribution of responsibility within the family regarding digital data? - What practices of sharing are found in families, which questions do parents and children face and how do they deal with them? - What ideas of children's rights and agency are evident in the families and how are children involved both in everyday life as a whole and in particular when it comes to their data? - How are questions of data protection, data collection by commercial service providers and privacy dealt with in the families?" (cf. Kutscher and Bouillon 2018, 18) [translated by the coder]

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