Implementación y evaluación del programa Educar en Positivo basado en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje para promover la parentalidad positiva. EDU2012-38588
Study details
Year: | 2016 |
Scope: | Local |
Countries: | Spain |
Methodology: | Empirical research – Quantitative |
Methods of data collection: | Online quantitative methods (e.g. Online survey) |
Researched Groups: | Parents |
Funder: | funded by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TRA2009-0145) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (EDU2012-38588). |
Funder Types: | National Government / Ministry |
Informed Consent: | No consent needed |
URL: | |
This project addresses the challenge of applying new educational technologies to the field of family counseling and intervention, and more specifically, to the field of parental education. Thus, the project is aimed at promoting positive parenting by means of the development and the implementation of a parenting program entitled “Positive Parent“, based on experiential learning carried out in virtual environments (e-parenting). Furthermore, this program has an innovative educational methodology, using criteria that look for the quality in its implementation as well as in its evaluation. It should be emphasized that the research team has wide experience in developing evidence-based educational programs for parents.