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Evidence Base

Influence and impact on students as a result of e-learning

Study details

Year: 2021
Scope: Local
Countries: Bulgaria
Methodology: Empirical research – Quantitative
Methods of data collection: Online quantitative methods (e.g. Online survey)
Researched Groups: Parents
Children Ages: Kids (6-10 Years old); Pre-adolescents (11-13 Years old)
Informed Consent: No consent needed
Ethics: Ethical considerations not mentioned
Data Set Availability: Not mentioned


The study identifies and highlights the most common problems and difficulties faced by parents and their children in the e-learning process through an online survey of parents of primary, lower and upper secondary students, in connection with the termination of the present form of education and the transition to distance learning in the electronic environment. The study tasks are related to the theoretical differentiation of the types of e-learning, as well as the preparation and conduct of an online poll for parents of primary to high school students and analysis of the results received. It was conducted in April 2021 through the method of online poll. 155 parents of primary, elementary and high school students took part, of which 144 women and 11 men. The territorial scope of the study comprises the cities from the region of Veliko Tarnovo and the cities Burgas, Ruse, Pleven and Sofia.

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