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Evidence Base

Orig. title: #MeinNetz - Internetnutzung und Medienkompetenz junger Menschen in Österreich

Engl. transl.: #MeinNetz - Internet use and media competence of young people in Austria

Study details

Year: 2016
Scope: National
Countries: Austria
Methodology: Empirical research – Quantitative
Methods of data collection: Online quantitative methods (e.g. Online survey)
Researched Groups: Children
Children Ages: Adolescents (14-18 Years old); Other
Other Childrens Age Group: Young adults (19-20 Years old)
Funder: Bundesjugendvertretung, Bundesministerium für Bildung
Funder Types: National Government / Ministry; NGO (Advocacy, Charity, Consumer organization)
Informed Consent: Consent not mentioned
Ethics: Ethical considerations not mentioned
Data Set Availability: Data availability statement in the publication


"In autumn 2016, the research institute IFES, commissioned by the Federal Youth Council (BJV) and with the financial support of the Federal Ministry of Education, conducted a survey among 439 people between the ages of 14 and 20 throughout Austria, which examined the topic of the internet and media literacy. Now the results have been presented. The study shows, among other things, how young people assess their digital skills, how they evaluate them in their social environment (e.g. their parents, classmates or teachers), what they learn at school with regard to media education and what they would like to see increased here. Questions such as internet use, being affected by cyber-bullying or interest in net-political topics were also asked." (, 2017, online; translated by the coder)

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