Children and New Media: A Psychosocial Approach to Understanding how Preadolescents Make Sense of Online Risks
Study details
Year: | 2019 |
Scope: | National |
Countries: | Malta |
Methodology: | Empirical research – Mixed methods |
Methods of data collection: | Survey; Focus group |
Researched Groups: | Children |
Children Ages: | Other |
Other Childrens Age Group: | 9-12 years |
Has Formal Ethical Clearance: | Yes |
Consents: | Consent obtained from parents; Consent obtained from children; Consent obtained from school officials / principal |
Informed Consent: | Consent obtained |
Ethics: | Ethical considerations and/or protocol mentioned in the research design; Ethical issues flagged in the paper |
Data Set Availability: | Not mentioned |
"This research attempts to identify the social representations that Maltese preadolescents hold in relation to online risk, through the following questions:
1. How do children aged 9-12 go online and what do they use the internet for?
2. What online risk experiences are these children exposed to?
3. How do children manage online risks?
4. How do children talk about online risks and what do these risks mean to them?
5. What are preadolescents’ representations of risks in new media?" (Farrugia, 2020; p. 3)