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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Versenyben az idővel

Engl. transl.: Race against time

Study details

Year: 2017
Scope: Local
Countries: Hungary
Methodology: Empirical research – Mixed methods
Methods of data collection: Interview; Survey
Researched Groups: Children; Parents; Families
Children Ages: Pre-adolescents (11-13 Years old); Adolescents (14-18 Years old)
Funder: National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
Funder Types: National Government / Ministry
Has Formal Ethical Clearance: Yes
Data Set Availability: Not mentioned


The research aims to explore the role of time playing in the family dynamics by focusing on the parental time (i. e. time parents and children spend together). It is also investigated what role technologies play in parenting strategies, since there are significant public concerns about the time-intensive usage mainly among adolescents. A neglected aspect is also integrated: the children’s perspective in the discussion about the growing time pressure. The research focuses on how parents and especially children perceive, define and evaluate the time they spend together. New findings could contribute to the understanding and evaluation of the often used notion of quality time in the academic and public debate. - The first part is based on both, quantitative and qualitative data analysis to get to know more on parents’ and children’s perception and preferences as far as shared time is concerned. - Focusing on child wellbeing and its interrelation with parental role and parent-child relations, the second part intends to examine the impact of parents’ work-life balance based on quantitative data. - Similarly, the third part aims to explore the characteristics and the impact of parental time on child wellbeing. - Finally, the fourth part focuses on technology usage to reveal the role it plays in parental time, we explore the parental mediation of technology usage investigating both perspectives based on survey and interview data too.

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