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Evidence Base

Cyber dating abuse among early adolescents: Towards a comprehensive understanding of monitoring behaviors and sexting under pressure.

Study details

Year: 2021
Scope: Local
Countries: Belgium
Methodology: Empirical research – Mixed methods
Methods of data collection: Survey; Focus group
Researched Groups: Children
Children Ages: Adolescents (14-18 Years old)
Funder: FWO (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek)
Funder Types: Regional Government


The electronic delivery of both psychological and sexual forms of dating violence is called cyber dating abuse. Psychological forms of cyber dating abuse include monitoring the romantic partner through digital media (e.g., accessing accounts without permission), whereas sexual forms include mainly sexting under pressure. To date, little scholarly attention has been paid to cyber dating abuse in early adolescents' romantic relationships. Research among this age group is essential as teenagers who experiment with sexual behaviors, or initiate their first romantic relationships during this developmental period, are often at high risk of abuse. This project aims to gain a deeper understanding of the context in which cyber dating abuse takes place among early adolescents, using a qualitative as well as a quantitative approach.

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