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Evidence Base

1334 results

2018 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: EU Kids Online 2018-19: Slovakia

Engl. transl.: EU Kids Online 2018-19: Slovakia

2018 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: EU Kids Online 2018-19: Spain

Engl. transl.: EU Kids Online 2018-19: Spain

2018 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: EU Kids Online 2018-19: Switzerland

Engl. transl.: EU Kids Online 2018-19: Switzerland

2018 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: EU Kids Online 2018-19: Serbia

Engl. transl.: EU Kids Online 2018-19: Serbia

2014 Multinational Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: Net Children Go Mobile

Engl. transl.: Net Children Go Mobile

2013 Multinational Empirical research – Qualitative

Orig. title: EU Kids Online III: The meaning of online problematic situations for children

Engl. transl.: EU Kids Online III: The meaning of online problematic situations for children

2019 National Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: 18. Shell Jugendstudie

Engl. transl.: 18. Shell Youth Study

2019 Local Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: MoFam II – Mobile Medien in der Familie: Teilstudie „Digitale Medien und Internet im Kindesalter – Fokus Kinderkrippen“

Engl. transl.: MoFam II – Mobile Media within the Family: Sub-study "Digital media and the Internet in Childhood – Focus on Nurseries"

2019 National Empirical research – Quantitative

Orig. title: České děti v kybersvětě

Engl. transl.: Czech children in the cyberworld

2015 National Empirical research – Mixed methods

Orig. title: České děti a Facebook 2015

Engl. transl.: Czech Children and Facebook2015