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Orig. title: Изследване на връзките между времето на пребиваване в интернет и самооценката, изявена в периода на юношеството

Engl. transl.: Research on the connection between time spent on the internet and the self-esteem expressed during adolescence


virtual environment self-esteem adolescence

Publication details

Year: 2019
DOI: 10.34671/sch.bsr.2019.0304.0014
Issued: 2019
Language: Bulgarian
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
Authors: Slavcheva-Andonova G.
Type: Journal article
Journal: Balkan Scientific Review
Publisher: Scientific Chronograph EOOD
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement; Wellbeing
Sample: 312 adolescents between the ages of 14 and 17, who are students in the eighth and ninth grades, and are enrolled in four general education and four vocational schools. By gender, the subjects were distributed as follows: 199 girls and 113 boys


This article analyses the connection between time spent in the virtual internet environment and self-esteem expressed during adolescence. The study was conducted among 312 adolescents between the age of 14 and 17, from different cities in the country. The applied research methodology - a scale for the study of general self-esteem - provides an opportunity to analyse the characteristics of general self-esteem and the manifestations of self-esteem and self-underestimation in adolescence. The connection between time spent on the Internet and the levels of general self-esteem, self-respect and self-underestimation were also examined. According to the findings, individuals who exhibit high levels of general self-esteem spend the longest time on the Internet - five or more hours per day. The persons who demonstrate high levels of self-underestimation are those who spend the shortest time on the Internet. This time is episodic or once or twice a week. The empirical evidence obtained is informative of the fact that prolonged time spent on the Internet, found in adolescents with high levels of self-esteem, carry the risks of forming Internet-dependent behaviour.


The use of the M. Rozenlerg Global Self-Assessment Scale proves its usefulness for practice as a tool that, within 10-15 minutes, in the conditions of a group study, enables the assessment of the general self-assessment and the manifestations of self-esteem and self-underestimation in adolescence. There is a statistically significant relationship between the time spent on the Internet and the levels of the overall score on the Global Self-Assessment Survey Scale (χ2 = 30,464; p <0.05), as well as between the time spent on the Internet and the levels of self-esteem shown. in adolescence (χ2 = 18.484; p <0.05). People who demonstrate high levels of overall self-esteem and self-esteem stay on the Internet for the longest time. People who show a high level of self-esteem stay on the Internet for the shortest time. "Indirectly, the data inform that the long stay on the Internet, found in adolescents with high levels of self-esteem, increases the risk of Internet-dependent behavior. "

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