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Orig. title: Digitalt understøttet faglighed og almendannelse: bog 1: et overblik

Engl. transl.: Digitally supported professionalism and general education: book 1: an overview


education professionalism general education literacy digitization school Gymnasium Social Media

Publication details

Year: 2018
Issued: 2018
Language: Danish
Start Page: 1
End Page: 144
Authors: Paulsen M.; Tække J.
Type: Book
Book title: Digitalt understøttet faglighed og almendannelse: bog 1: et overblik
Publisher: Unge Pædagogers Forlag
Place: Copenhagen
Topics: Learning; Literacy and skills


How can professionalism and general education be supported with digital and general education media? This book provides an overview of how digital media can be understood and incorporated into teaching for this purpose. The book focuses on how students' knowledge, attitude and existence can be strengthened using digital media and provides examples of opportunities and pitfalls in relation to the use of IT in teaching. Along the way, Danish and international research is involved, which discusses how to relate to digital technology in teaching. The reader is introduced to different media and technology understandings and is given tools to relate to and work on developing good teaching in a complex media environment. What is very special about the book is that it is aimed at a Danish school context, where didactic judgment, democratic forms of togetherness and freedom of the mind are paramount. The book is aimed at all educators, researchers, leaders, politicians and others who are interested in understanding, utilizing and relating to IT and digital media in an educational context.


The book is aimed at a Danish school context, where didactic judgment, democratic forms of togetherness and freedom of the mind are paramount. The book focuses on how students' knowledge, attitude and existence can be strengthened using digital media and provides examples of opportunities and pitfalls in relation to the use of IT in teaching.

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