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Orig. title: Digitalt understøttet faglighed og almendannelse: Bog 2: analyser og indblik

Engl. transl.: Digitally supported professionalism and general education: Book 2: analyzes and insights


digital literacy literacy digital media education high school action research DUFA

Publication details

Year: 2019
Issued: 2019
Language: Danish
Start Page: 1
End Page: 250
Authors: Paulsen M.; Tække J.
Type: Book
Book title: Digitalt understøttet faglighed og almendannelse: Bog 2: analyser og indblik
Publisher: Unge Pædagogers Forlag
Place: Copenhagen
Topics: Learning; Literacy and skills


How can professionalism and general education be supported using IT and digital media? This book presents 10 exemplary teaching courses, all of which invite you to answer this question. The teaching courses have been devised within the social sciences, the natural sciences and the cultural sciences and tested in two Danish high schools. The 10 courses are analyzed and qualified from a media didactic perspective, and the reader can get concrete inspiration for teaching in the field of tension between general didactics and digitalisation. The book is part 2 of the DUFA project, and is based on the analytics developed and presented in book 1, which has an eye for both our digital world and didactic practice in relation to the democratic educational ideals. Through the 10 concrete teaching courses, the book opens up for more general reflections on the (high school) school's development in the digital society and outlines some big and important questions about what kind of education and training we must have in a digital world. The book can be read independently and inspire teachers in high school, in the oldest classes of primary school and in higher education to use media in a qualified way in teaching. The book can also be used by school leaders, principals, researchers, politicians and ordinary citizens to understand IT and digital media in a Danish educational context.


Through the 10 concrete teaching courses, the book opens up for more general reflections on the (high school) school's development in the digital society and outlines some big and important questions about what kind of education and training we must have in a digital world.

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