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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Gamerek az iskolában

Engl. transl.: Computer gamers in school


computes games schools e-sport competence

Publication details

Year: 2018
DOI: 10.22503/inftars.xviii.2018.1.8
Issued: 2018
Language: English
Volume: 18
Issue: 1
Start Page: 120
End Page: 131
Authors: Szabó J.
Type: Journal article
Journal: Információs Társadalom
Publisher: Informacios Tarsadalom
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement
Sample: 345 respondents between the age of 11 and 16 surveyed with an online questionnaire completed in schools
Implications For Parents About: Parenting guidance / support
Implications For Educators About: Professional development


The proliferation of computer games has primarily drawn the attention of psychologists, who warn of the dangers of game addiction. According to our hypothesis computer games might have several advantages; help and cooperation, communication, provide new information, even support the strategic way of thinking through team games. At the focus of this research is how young people see computer games, what advantages they find in them, how computer games help their approach to sports and how playing these games influences their school results. The research shows that there is no significant gender difference in their use of games, and young people’s school results are not affected even if they play games intensively. Moreover, their free time activities involve regular sports, mostly team sports. These young people see the world in a different way and computer games themselves enrich their everyday lives.


Most of the respondents (70%) play with computer games on a daily basis and more than 10% spend as much as 40 hours per week with games. Both teachers and parents considered video games a risk what de divert the kids focus from more useful activities. Data showed that those students who had better grades indeed played less, but only on weekdays. "A fiatalok többsége hasznosnak ítéli ezeket a játékprogramokat, úgy gondolják, hogy a szórakozáson, a játékélményen túl a tanulásban és az egymás közötti kommunikációban is segítséget nyújtanak. A virtuális térben, az ott használatos megoldásokon keresztül a játékosok igen sokat tanulnak egymástól, illetve azzal is új ismereteket szereznek, hogy egyegy játék lefolyását különféle videomegosztó hálózatokon nézhetik és elemezhetik. Mindeközben az is látható volt, hogy ez a tevékenység nem szorította ki számottevően a szabadidős tevékenységek közül a sportot." (Szabó József, "Gamerek az iskolában", Információs Társadalom, Vol: XVIII. (2018) Issue: 1., pp: 120–131., p: 130) "Most of the youth included to the research thinks that these games are useful and additionally to the entertainment those also help in studying and socializing. In the virtual space and by the solutions they use there the learn a lot about each other and also learn from watching and analyzing related videos on online video sharing sites. Meanwhile it was evident from the results, that this activity has not changed the time spent with sports significantly" (Szabó József, "Gamerek az iskolában", Információs Társadalom, Vol: XVIII. (2018) Issue: 1., pp: 120–131., p: 130) - translated by the coder

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