Orig. title: InternetMost - Kitatási jelentés
Engl. transl.: InternetNow - Research report
Publication details
Year: | 2020 |
Issued: | 2020 |
Language: | Hungarian |
Editors: | |
Authors: | Németh B.; Balogh K. |
Type: | Report and working paper |
Publisher: | Hintalovon Gyermekjogi Alapítvány |
Place: | Budapest |
Topics: | Learning; Social mediation; Internet usage, practices and engagement; Content-related issues; Risks and harms |
Sample: | 1362 Hungarian children between the age of 13 and 17 |
Implications For Parents About: | Parental practices / parental mediation; Parenting guidance / support |
Implications For Educators About: | School innovation |
Implications For Policy Makers About: | High-quality content online for children and young people; Stepping up awareness and empowerment; Creating a safe environment for children online |
Implications For Stakeholders About: | Researchers |
The InternetMost is a comprehensive study on children's view on various aspects of internet usage what was conducted by one of the most prestigious Hungarian children's rights NGO, Hintalovon Alapítvány, and funded by Magyar Telekom. The research focused on four big areas: usage habits, feeling of safety and concerns and security including parental control, online learning and views of the future. The research report summarizes the most important results in each area.
Some of the highlights:
- For many children internet is the place where they can really be themselves, but in the same time they do not think that online relationships can substitute offline friendships and connections.
- Children are mostly bothered by advertisements, fake news and non-reliable information online.
- Parents are mostly interested in the amount of time they spend online, but less about what they actually do online and with who.
- The experiences with the digital education were very varied, but most children reported on motivational problems.
"Az internet a gyerekek szabadságának, szülőkkel, felnőttekkel szembeni kompetenciájuknak is a terepe. A kimondott vagy kimondatlan szabályok és a kommunikáció a szülők bizalmát is tükrözik számukra. Érzékelik a szülők magatartása mögötti féltést, miközben olyan téren várnak segítséget, amelyekre eddig kevesebb fókusz jutott és amelyekben úgy érzik, nem a szülőktől tudnak kielégítő válaszokhoz jutni (adatvédelem, álhírek felismerése, stb.)." (Barbara Németh-Karolina Balogh: InternetMost - Kutatási jelentés, Hintalovon Gyermekjogi Alapítvány, Budapest, 2020. p:30)
"For children the Internet also the field of freedom and competence against adults and parents. They feel that there is a concern about their safety behind their parents' behavior, while they would expect help in such topics which have not been in the focus and, according to their assumption, parents would not be able to give them suitable answers (data security, recognizing fake news etc.)." (Barbara Németh-Karolina Balogh: InternetMost - Kutatási jelentés, Hintalovon Gyermekjogi Alapítvány, Budapest, 2020. p:30) - translated by the coder