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Evidence Base

Parents’ perceptions over the use of New Technologies in Education


Education Kindergarten New technologies Parents Primary school

Publication details

Year: 2020
DOI: 10.22161/jhed.2.2.9
Issued: 2020
Language: English
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Start Page: 141
End Page: 150
Authors: Tsairidis C.; Kaltsidou D.; Dimitriadis E.
Type: Journal article
Journal: Journal of Humanities and Education Development
Publisher: AI Publications
Topics: Social mediation; Internet usage, practices and engagement; Literacy and skills
Sample: 1450 parents


This article analyses parents' views on the role that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays in the context of pedagogy. It also refers to parents' beliefs, fears and expectations towards new technologies. It uses data that were collected from primary schools and kindergartens of the region of Eastern Macedonian and Thrace in Greece. 1450 parents participated in this research, 869 were from primary schools and 581 from kindergartens. The results showed that parents (both from primary school and kindergarten) believe that new technologies help their children in the learning process and they believe that new technologies are beneficial for their children. Despite the fact that parents accept new technologies in their children's lives only for educational purposes, they don't want their children to spend a lot of time on the computer, because they are afraid that their children will not be able to socialize properly.


The results showed that parents (both from primary school and kindergarten) believe that new technologies help their children in the learning process and they believe that new technologies are beneficial for their children. Despite the fact that parents accept new technologies in their children's lives only for educational purposes, they don't want their children to spend a lot of time on the computer, because they are afraid that their children will not be able to socialize properly.

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