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Orig. title: Digitale Medien in Kindertageseinrichtungen: Medienerzieherisches Handeln und Erziehungspartnerschaft. Perspektiven des pädagogischen Personals. Zweiter Bericht der Teilstudie „Mobile Medien und Internet im Kindesalter – Fokus Kindertageseinrichtungen“

Engl. transl.: Digital Media in Child Daycare Facilities: Media Education and Educational Partnership. Perspectives of the pedagogical staff. Second report of the sub-study "Mobile media and internet in childhood – Focus on child daycare facilities"


Daycare facilities media education pedagogical staff digital media parents

Publication details

Year: 2018
Issued: 2018
Language: German
Authors: Schubert G.; Eggert S.; Lohr A.; Oberlinner A.; Jochim V.; Brüggen N.
Type: Report and working paper
Topics: Social mediation; Literacy and skills
Sample: "To be able to answer the research questions as satisfactorily as possible and to get a comprehensive impression of the situation in daycare facilities in Bavaria, a total of 33 facilities were selected." (Schubert et al. 2018, 8). (translated by the coder)
Implications For Parents About: Other
Other Parent Implication: Cooperation with pedagogical staff
Implications For Educators About: Professional development


"The aim of the sub-study "Mobile Medien und Internet im Kindesalter – Fokus Kindertageseinrichtungen" within the framework of the research project "Mobile Medien in der Familie" is to record the situation in child daycare facilities about the use of mobile and digital media. The study focuses on the media use of the children as well as on the importance of media in the professional life of the pedagogical staff and management and their needs regarding media education. Additionally, the attitude of the pedagogical staff towards media and the equipment of the facilities with media devices and offers are also of importance. The present second report within the framework of the sub-study is based on the in-depth evaluation of the collected data. Concentrating on children and families, media pedagogical activities with digital media in daycare facilities and the complex of educational partnership, the following areas were examined: (1) Views of the pedagogical staff on the significance of mobile and digital media in families with children of pre-school age. (2) Views of the pedagogical staff on the importance of media education in the daycare facility and the forms of and experiences with media education. (3) Perception of media education as part of the educational mission of child daycare facilities within the framework of an educational partnership by pedagogical teams as well as the design of educational partnership between the facility and the family." (Schubert et al. 2018, 1) (translated by the coder)


"Media education is implemented in all facilities. However, facilities that represent a critical opinion towards the use of digital media tend to implement reception-oriented and reproduction-oriented/reflective media work. At the same time, the evaluation of the daycare facilities which integrate action- and production-oriented media work into their everyday practice clearly show that they offer a wide range of media education activities. Central aspects for the pedagogical teams are child orientation, being a role model, the promotion of active/creative rather than receptive use and a variety of media pedagogical approaches. If the leadership and the team are interested in (further) advancing media education locally, personal commitment and interest are the driving forces. The media appropriation of children and their media use in the context of the family can be viewed as a framework for the actions of the pedagogical staff in the daycare facilities. The educational teams experience that the use of media in the families covers a broad spectrum and is differently shaped. The pedagogical staff particularly mention negative aspects of media use in families: hardly any activating ways of using digital media, little support for children in their media use, and an unreflective approach to media that parents model for their children. Parental work and educational partnership are generally attributed great importance, which indicates the demands of the pedagogical staff for successful parental work. However, the parents' media behaviour often does not correspond to the normative ideas of the pedagogical teams." (Schubert et al. 2018, 1-2). (translated by the coder)

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