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Orig. title: Edukacja zdalna: co stało się z uczniami, ich rodzicami i nauczycielami

Engl. transl.: Distance education: what happened to students, their parents and teachers


covid-19 distance education student parent teacher

Publication details

Year: 2020
Issued: 2020
Language: Polish
Editors: Ptaszek G.; Stunża G.D.; Pyżalski J.; Dębski M.; Bigaj M.
Authors: Ptaszek G.; Stunża G.D.; Pyżalski J.; Dębski M.; Bigaj M.
Type: Book
Book title: . Edukacja zdalna: co stało się z uczniami, ich rodzicami i nauczycielami?
Publisher: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne
Place: Gdańsk
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement; Wellbeing; Digital and socio-cultural environment
Sample: "A total of almost 3,000 people participated in the study, of which 1,284 were students, 671 teachers, and 979 parents. In the case of the groups of parents and teachers, women dominate (80% among teachers and 90% among parents), among students girls constitute 61% of the sample, and boys 39%. More than half of the students participating in the survey are school students primary (50%), every third is a high school student (35%), and the next 15% are recruited from vocational schools (technical secondary school)." (Ptaszek, G., Stunża, G. D., Pyżalski, J., Dębski, M., Bigaj, M. (2020). Edukacja zdalna: co stało się z uczniami, ich rodzicami i nauczycielami? Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, p. 16; translated by coder).
Implications For Parents About: Parenting guidance / support ; Parental practices / parental mediation
Implications For Educators About: School networking; Digital citizenship; Professional development
Implications For Policy Makers About: Creating a safe environment for children online; Stepping up awareness and empowerment
Implications For Stakeholders About: Researchers; Industry


The publication is an attempt to explain why distance education during the coronavirus pandemic proceeded in this way and not another way. The prepared explanation was created as a result of a research conducted by a research group dealing with media education, internet usage patterns, digital competences, digital hygiene and well-being. All the parties that make up the educational environment were taken into account in the study: teachers, students, parents and guardians. The distinguishing element of the conducted research is the possibility of comparing the experiences and beliefs of the three groups indicated. The study included: distance education experiences, spending time online and offline, maintaining relationships and experienced emotions. The book shows a coherent picture of the school community functioning during distance education during the coronavirus pandemic.


- "In connection with distance education, almost every third teacher (29%), the fourth parent (26%) and every fifth student (20%) had to buy a new one equipment and almost the same number of respondents had to buy additional equipment Internet data transfer (28% teachers, 23% parents and 20% of students). In turn, every fifth teacher (19%) and almost every Study results 23 the eighth student (13%) and almost every tenth parent (9%) obtained the equipment, borrowing it from others. (Ptaszek, G., Stunża, G. D., Pyżalski, J., Dębski, M., Bigaj, M. (2020). Edukacja zdalna: co stało się z uczniami, ich rodzicami i nauczycielami? Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, p. 23-24; translated by the coder) - "Teachers and students used the smartphone more often during an e-lesson or simultaneously from other websites, services, applications unrelated to the lessons during the lessons, using a computer." (Ptaszek, G., Stunża, G. D., Pyżalski, J., Dębski, M., Bigaj, M. (2020). Edukacja zdalna: co stało się z uczniami, ich rodzicami i nauczycielami? Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, p. 24; translated by coder) - "Parents compared with teachers less time during the course devoted to activities that positively translated into the pandemic psychological well-being, and less often those that do welfare is potentially threatening." (Ptaszek, G., Stunża, G. D., Pyżalski, J., Dębski, M., Bigaj, M. (2020). Edukacja zdalna: co stało się z uczniami, ich rodzicami i nauczycielami? Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, p. 25; translated by the coder) - "As far as almost 60% of the surveyed parents assessed it rather well and definitely good preparation of teachers and schools to transfer knowledge remotely, almost 45% teachers felt prepared for distance education only to a low and moderate degree." (Ptaszek, G., Stunża, G. D., Pyżalski, J., Dębski, M., Bigaj, M. (2020). Edukacja zdalna: co stało się z uczniami, ich rodzicami i nauczycielami? Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, p. 25; translated by the coder) - "66% of students had lessons during distance education live online, according to 15% of them teachers they had sporadic difficulties in controlling the gathered class in front of home screens." (Ptaszek, G., Stunża, G. D., Pyżalski, J., Dębski, M., Bigaj, M. (2020). Edukacja zdalna: co stało się z uczniami, ich rodzicami i nauczycielami? Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, p. 27; translated by the coder) - "Half of the surveyed students (50%) assessed the online lessons as less interesting than before the pandemic, and only every fifth student (20%) considered them as interesting as before the pandemic." (Ptaszek, G., Stunża, G. D., Pyżalski, J., Dębski, M., Bigaj, M. (2020). Edukacja zdalna: co stało się z uczniami, ich rodzicami i nauczycielami? Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, p. 27; translated by the coder)

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