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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Mediawijsheid bij kinderen met een lvb: Een verkenning naar ervaringen in de praktijk.

Engl. transl.: Media literacy among children with an minor mental disability: An exploratory study about experiences in practice.

Publication details

Year: 2018
Issued: 2018
Language: Dutch
Start Page: 1
End Page: 23
Authors: Nikken P.; Berns J.; van Beekhoven E.
Type: Report and working paper
Publisher: Nederlands Jeugdinstituut
Topics: Wellbeing; Access, inequalities and vulnerabilities; Literacy and skills
Sample: N = 381 professionals, 21% male 1/3 older than 50 years. 1/4 between 40 and 50 years. 1/4 between 30 and 40 years. 1/6 yonger than 30
Implications For Educators About: Other
Implications For Stakeholders About: Healthcare; Researchers



- Children with a disability use just as 'normal' kids media devices. - behavioral problems are related with more use of game consoles and laptops, mental problems are related with more smartphone use. - professionals from healthcare are more negative than educational professionals. - Common problems are: excessive media use, little knowledge of media, and unwanted behavior. - Most professionals are actively using digital materials to support childrens' media use, however, this is more in the educational field than in healthcare. - If professionals from healthcare use digital materials, these are mostly free materials and used at random. In the educational field they are more likely to have a policy to use digital materials. - All professionals state they want to have more information and access to supporting materials for media literacy and education. Especially how materials are adjusted for youth with disabilities, which themes it concerns and with which goals the materials can be used.

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