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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Uno studio esplorativo della realtà delle scuole di Roma e Provincia: come e quanto è presente il fenomeno del bullismo

Engl. transl.: An exploratory study of the reality of schools in Rome and the surrounding province: how and how much the phenomenon of bullying is present


bullying cyberbullying cybervictimization self-efficacy

Publication details

Year: 2017
Issued: 2017
Language: Italian
Start Page: 39
End Page: 107
Editors: Patrizi N.; Biasi V.
Authors: Patrizi N.
Type: Book chapter
Book title: Bullismo e Cyberbullismo a scuola. Fenomenologia, evidenze empiriche, interventi educativi
Publisher: Romatre Press
Place: Roma
Topics: Risks and harms
Sample: 1482 students aged 11-16; 50 teachers aged 30-65
Implications For Educators About: Professional development


The phenomenon of bullying, in the last 20 years, has assumed great relevance and today has become the subject of national and international scientific study. Mainly we analyze how bullying manifest in different social contexts, primarily in schools. On the basis of this simple observation and scientific interest that this theme has in the field of psychology and educational systems, it was decided to approach the study of the phenomenon from a multidisciplinary perspective, but paying particular attention to the specific school context as a place of development and implementation of bullying and harassment behaviors. In these pages we will try to empirically study the phenomenon of of bullying through an interdisciplinary perspective, in order to develop preventive strategies at the level of teaching and attitude of the teacher, hypothesizing a possible relationship between teacher characteristics in terms of self-efficacy and the incidence of bullying at school.


"Given the ease of access to and use of new technologies by young people, it's easy to see why, unlike in real-life peer happens in the bullying between peers in real contexts, in the environments virtual environments, this behavioral mode grows with age, reaching the highest level of age, reaching the highest level of manifestation during secondary school. secondary school, in fact both Internet and cell phones are two technologies that represent the new instruments of communication between preadolescents and adolescents and that they have changed the way to relate with peers (Guarini, 2009). Particularly interesting, in addition to the parallel between bullying and cyberbullying with respect to the variable age, are the differences found on the basis of While in bullying males and females are characterized by the methods of bullying used, direct for boys and indirect for girls (Fonzi, 1997), in cyberbullying the distinction between genders is more related to the role: the victims are mainly females, while males are the aggressors (Petrone & Troiano, 2008). In addition, the significant sample size and the width of the territory considered, have allowed us to fully understand the alarming presence of the phenomenon and its complex nature, giving us a realistic and accurate picture of the modalities, frequency and severity that characterize it. and gravity that characterize it." (Patrizi, 2017, pp. 100-101) With respect to teachers, "the role of the teacher's attitude, expressed through the so-called perception of teacher self-efficacy, was identified and, by comparing the results obtained from the different analyses conducted on the two different samples - teacher sample and student sample - and it was possible to highlight an important correspondence: a high self-efficacy of the teacher corresponds to a lower frequency of bullying behavior in the classroom and vice versa." (Patrizi, 2017, p. 107)

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