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Evidence Base

Media literacy education for a new prosumer citizenship


Prosumers media literacy digital skill school curriculum students.

Publication details

Year: 2014
DOI: 10.3916/c43-2014-01
Issued: 2014
Language: English
Volume: 22
Issue: 43
Start Page: 15
End Page: 23
Authors: García-Ruiz R.; Ramírez-García A.; Rodríguez-Rosell M.
Type: Journal article
Journal: Comunicar
Publisher: Grupo Comunicar
Topics: Literacy and skills
Sample: 2,143 students aged between 5 and 18
Implications For Parents About: Parenting guidance / support
Implications For Educators About: School innovation
Implications For Policy Makers About: High-quality content online for children and young people
Implications For Stakeholders About: Industry


Access to technology and the Internet is having a positive impact on all levels, personal, family, professional and social. However, the influence of the media has not been accompanied by the promotion of media literacy. The development of the media skill among citizens, especially young people and children, in order to exercise a critical and active role in relation to the media, is a key development in this society of «media prosumers». This paper discusses the results of a research project at state level, surveying a sample of 2.143 students from Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary School, in this study using a questionnaire ad hoc online. The objetive of the research project is to identify levels of media literacy amongst children and adolescents. It can be seen that a significant portion of the sample is proficient in the media, at an acceptable level. However, and despite belonging to the generation of socalled «digital natives» the sample does not possess the skills necessary to practice as a «media prosumers». We conclude the work highlighting the necessity of complementing the digital competence established in the school curriculum with media literacy as a key element into developing a «prosumer culture». This would resolve the convergence of an urgent need to improve the training of young audiences as responsible citizens capable of consuming and producing media messages in a free, responsible, critical and creative way. El acceso a las tecnologías y a Internet está teniendo consecuencias positivas en todos los niveles, personales, familiares, profesionales y sociales. Sin embargo, la influencia de los medios de comunicación no se ha acompasado con el fomento de la alfabetización mediática. El desarrollo de la competencia mediática en la ciudadanía, y especialmente en los jóvenes y niños para que puedan ejercer de forma crítica y activa su papel ante los medios, se revela como clave en esta sociedad de «prosumidores mediáticos». En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un proyecto de investigación de ámbito estatal con el objetivo de identificar los niveles de competencia mediática de niños y adolescentes, encuestando a una muestra de 2.143 estudiantes de Educación Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato, mediante un cuestionario ad hoc online. Puede observarse que una importante parte de la muestra es competente ante los medios, en un nivel aceptable, sin embargo, y a pesar de que pertenecen a la generación de los denominados «nativos digitales», no poseen las habilidades necesarias para ejercer como «prosumidores mediáticos». Concluimos el trabajo destacando la necesidad de complementar la competencia digital establecida en el currículum escolar con la competencia mediática, como elemento clave para desarrollar una «cultura prosumidora», convergencia de imperiosa necesidad para mejorar la formación de las jóvenes audiencias como ciudadanos responsables capaces de consumir y producir mensajes mediáticos de manera libre, responsable, crítica y creativa.


The evidence gathered shows that the levels of media competency of Spanish students are relatively low for all the educational levels studied. The use of technological devices does not seem to guarantee their adequate use, as far as that required to be regarded as media proficient. Even though the samples used belong to the generation defined as «digital natives» it is necessary to plana process of improvement for media literacy.

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