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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene im VOD-Zeitalter

Engl. transl.: Children, adolescents, and young adults in times of VOD


children adolescents young adults VOD streaming media libraries

Publication details

Year: 2018
Issued: 2018
Language: German
Authors: Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH; Heinzlmaier B.; Tomaschitz W; Kohout R.
Type: Report and working paper
Book title: Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene im VOD-Zeitalter
Publisher: Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement; Content-related issues; Digital and socio-cultural environment
Sample: Representative survey among the Austrian resident population aged 16+ (n=800) Additional survey among people with children (0-15) at home (n=260) 5 focus groups (n=51): Group 1: 10 males (14-19), low or middle formal education Group 2: 10 females (20-29), low or middle formal education Group 3: 10 females (20-29), low or middle formal education Group 4: 10 males (20-29), higher formal education Group 5: 11 females (20-29), higher formal education
Implications For Educators About: Other
Implications For Policy Makers About: High-quality content online for children and young people; Creating a safe environment for children online
Implications For Stakeholders About: Industry


Linear TV loses in importance, in particular for younger people. In contrast to this, media libraries, streaming provider and vlogger (e.g. on YouTube, Instagram, Twitch or TikTok) are becoming more popular. VOD seems to be attractive, due to modern offerings, the lack of time schedules and the possibility to use them almost everywhere, also via smartphone or tablet. Aim of the study is to explore patterns of media use of children, adolescents and young adults, with a view to different VOD offerings and different contents. What are their practices, which content is popular and when do they prefer classical media offerings (e.g. news). Which role do vlogger play, as entertainer, role models, and mediators of knowledge?


Popularity of VOD is growing rapidly. This process accelerates among younger people, with a higher formal education, and living in urban areas. Popularity will continue to grow in the coming years, technical equipment and data connections are crucial. VOD seems to be attractive, due to modern offerings, the lack of time schedules and the possibility to use them almost everywhere, also via smartphone or tablet. News has a special status. Due to credibility and the problem of fake news, young people still use TV (mostly public service broadcaster) and newspapers to gather information. In this context, young people do not expect changes within the upcoming years. However, vlogger, in particular YouTuber, are seen as role models but also as confidents. Young people follow them, because they are speaking their own language and they are able to somewhat translate complex news. (Summary by the coder, quotations are not permitted due to the paper)

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