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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Kinder Medien Monitor (KiMMo) 2020

Engl. transl.: Children Media Monitor (KiMMO) 2020


media usage typology

Publication details

Year: 2020
Issued: 2020
Language: German
Authors: Egmont Ehapa Media GmbH; Gruner + Jahr GmbH; Panini Verlags GmbH; SPIEGEL-Verlag; ZEIT Verlag
Type: Report and working paper
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement
Sample: n = 2.007 joint interviews with children aged 6-13 and one parent n = 504 interviews with one parent of children aged 4-5


How do children deal with media in 2020? The number of media offers and their accessibility is massive. How do children deal with this diversity? How do they communicate? How important are analogue and digital services in the grand scheme? The KINDER MEDIEN MONITOR 2020 wants to answer these question with its own media-usage-typology. Four media-usage-types have been identified based on a self-conducted survey: the Multis, the Classics, the Reserved and the Streamers. The results help to form a better and more informed picture of children as relevant target groups.


Children aged 4 to 13 like to consume classical media. They especially appreciate magazines. Additionally, they watch standard TV or listen to radio programs at least once a week. A typology based on cluster analysis: - Multis (18,9%): use different media platforms regularly - Classics (44,5%): focus on TV, radio and book consumption - Reserved (22,2%): below-average media usage (if, consumption focuses on TV) - Streamers (14,4%): focus on streaming and video platforms

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