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Orig. title: Identität, Orientierung und Lebenswelt. Ein mehrdimensionaler Blick auf situatives Aushandeln von Privatheit im Social Web.

Engl. transl.: Identity, Orientation and Lifeworld. A multidimensional perspective on situational negotiation of privacy within the social web.


big data data protection internet personality social media web 2.0

Publication details

Year: 2018
DOI: 10.5771/9783845293806
Issued: 2018
Language: German
Authors: Trültzsch-Wijnen S.
Type: Book
Book title: Identität, Orientierung und Lebenswelt. Ein mehrdimensionaler Blick auf situatives Aushandeln von Privatheit im Social Web.
Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Place: Baden-Baden
Topics: Social mediation; Internet usage, practices and engagement; Literacy and skills; Digital and socio-cultural environment
Sample: n=2491 adolescents and young adults (10-30); survey 15 adolescents and young adults (15-29), selected by age, gender, formal education, area of living, and migration background; interviews Rating and sorting of photos
Implications For Parents About: Parental practices / parental mediation
Implications For Stakeholders About: Industry


Privacy is closely related to identity and communication. This volume explores this connection offline in everyday life and especially on social media. The author provides a multidimensional theory of courses of action that can be taken, and illustrates its benefits by combining three empirical sub-studies. It reveals different concepts of privacy and certain courses of action related to them in terms of self-presentation and communication on social networking sites. Additionally, it explores the motivations and attitudes of non-social media users, focusing in particular on the relevance and usage of photographs both offline and online. To gain a deeper insight and to illustrate the benefits of the multilevel perspective pursued here, a study was conducted which combines data from a quantitative questionnaire, qualitative interviews, the sorting and evaluating of photographs, and a content analysis of social networking sites.


Sascha Trültzsch-Wijnen deals with the online use of adolescents and young adults, with a special focus on the social web. The great added value of the work is the diverse and profound theoretical part of the study. Based on this, the author designs a complementary, triangulative research design that combines a quantitative online survey with qualitative guided interviews and, as an additional element, the evaluation and attribution of photos by the respondents. A content analysis serves as a further empirical approach. In this way, Sascha Trültzsch-Wijnen succeeds not only in exploring motives for use, but also the hitherto often neglected aspect of non-use.

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