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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Lehrlinge & die soziale Frage

Engl. transl.: Apprentices & the social issue


Austrian apprentices working environments living environments media

Publication details

Year: 2018
Issued: 2018
Language: German
Authors: Großegger B.
Type: Report and working paper
Publisher: Institut für Jugendkulturforschung
Place: Vienna
Topics: Learning; Internet usage, practices and engagement; Wellbeing; Access, inequalities and vulnerabilities; Digital and socio-cultural environment
Sample: 400 Austrian apprentices, quoted by gender, and type of apprentice 2 focus groups with female and male apprentices (undisclosed number)
Implications For Educators About: Digital citizenship; Other
Implications For Policy Makers About: Stepping up awareness and empowerment
Implications For Stakeholders About: Industry; Researchers


Die Auswertung befasst sich mit der Rolle von Auszubildenden in der Gesellschaft. Dies umfasst den Blick auf Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen, politische Ansichten; Ziele und Freizeit, aber auch der Bedeutung und Nutzung von Medien. Auszüge oder Zitate aus der Veröffentlichung sind nach Angaben des Rechteinhabers nicht gestattet.


The evaluation looks at the role of apprentices in society. This includes looking at living and working conditions, political views; goals and leisure time, but also the importance and use of media. Excerpts or quotations from the publication are not permitted according to the rights holder.

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