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The Rise of the Prosumer - An Introduction into Prosumerism and Participatory Culture


prosumerism participatory culture copyright industrial property rights

Publication details

Year: 2016
Issued: 2016
Language: English
Issue: 4
Start Page: 152
End Page: 155
Authors: Homar P.; Lee S.W.
Type: Journal article
Journal: M&R-Int Medien und Recht International
Topics: Internet usage, practices and engagement; Content-related issues; Risks and harms; Other
Sample: Open exploration of laws, usage, and conflicts.
Implications For Educators About: Other
Implications For Policy Makers About: Stepping up awareness and empowerment; Other
Other PolicyMaker Implication: Intellectual Property Law
Implications For Stakeholders About: Researchers; Industry


An Introduction into Prosumerism and Participatory Culture. The recent technical developments have massively contributed to the dismantling of boundaries between formerly distinctive spheres: online and offline, amateurs and professionals, producers and consumers.


"The aim of this research project with students as key figures of the omnipresent ‘prosumer-environment’ is to define the requirements of a modern, well-balanced copyright system. Students as digital natives are not only consuming digital goods, they are also in many ways contributing to cultural creation and dissemination of creative content. It is therefore inevitable that a modern and effective copyright system addresses the interests and needs of users and creators. This concerns in particular the scope of copyright protection, ownership of rights, licensing, limitations & exceptions and collective rights management." (Sparkling Science, 2017, online)

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