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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Internetbaseret feltarbejde, spørgeskemaer og kvalitative interview: Unges brug af sociale medier

Engl. transl.: Internet based field work, surveys and qualitative interviews: Young people's use of social media


mixed methods field work surveys qualitative youth interview

Publication details

Year: 2014
Issued: 2014
Language: Danish
Start Page: 155
End Page: 186
Editors: Frederiksen M.; Gundelach P.; Skovgaard Nielsen R.
Authors: Larsen M. C.
Type: Book chapter
Book title: Mixed methods-forskning: Principper og praksis
Publisher: Hans Reitzels Forlag
Place: Copenhagen
Topics: Researching children online: methodology and ethics
Sample: Internet based ethnographic field work various methods for researching young people's use of social media (translated by the coder)



Internet based ethnographic field work various methods for researching young people's use of social media (translated by the coder)

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