1770 results
Children's and young people's digital skills: a systematic evidence review
Digital skills, risks and wellbeing among European children: Report on (f)actors that explain online acquisition, cognitive, physical, psychological and social wellbeing, and the online resilience of children and young people
Report on the role of critical information skills in recognising mis- and disinformation
Young People's Digital Skills Practices in Non-formal Learning Contexts: observations, interviews, co-design
Orig. title: Risultati della prima somministrazione della survey ySKILLS - Italia
Engl. transl.: Findings from the first wave of the ySKILLS school survey - Italy
Combining innovative methodological tools to approach digital transformations in leisure among children and young people
Understanding children and young people as digital citizens
Children and young people’s narratives and perceptions of ICT in education in selected European countries complemented by perspectives of teachers and further relevant stakeholders in the education context
Integration of digital technologies in families with children aged 5-10 years - A synthesis report of four European country case studies
Orig. title: Wahrnehmung, Bewertung und Bewältigung belastender Online-Erfahrungen von Jugendlichen. Eine qualitative Studie im Rahmen des Projekts "SIKID - Sicherheit für Kinder in der digitalen Welt"
Engl. transl.: Perception, evaluation and coping with stressful online experiences of adolescents. A qualitative study within the project "SIKID - Safety for Children in the Digital World".